ديلان كرافن غريفيث

أخصائي التسويق الرقمي
Professional Experience

Dylan is a Digital Marketing Specialist with 7 years of hands-on experience. Dylan is all about creative content and has a proven track record of delivering standout campaigns.

In Dylan’s position, they take on many roles — think graphic design, photography, social media, and web development.

Dylan thrives on pushing boundaries, staying motivated, and bringing fresh insights to the table. Dylan’s journey spans from big corporations to personal music ventures, giving him killer interpersonal skills, events management experience, and a knack for effective copywriting.

Outside of the office, Dylan is on a mission to boost opportunities for young people in Leicester through education and mentorship at his youth charity of choice.

ديلان كرافن غريفيث
Languages Spoken
  • English
Further reading

More about Harbor and our approach

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